• Question: How did you know that engineering was the job for you? Did it just click one day, or did it take a while for you to actually enjoy and appreciate engineering?

    Asked by 575spcq23 to Vinita, Rachel, Pam, Christopher, Brian, Andrew on 1 Mar 2019.
    • Photo: Rachel Hudson

      Rachel Hudson answered on 1 Mar 2019:

      I didn’t necessarily pick engineering as a career, and actually I think a lot of people don’t really know what to expect after uni either… I think it is more about knowing what interests you and what you are good at and then trying to find a job that matches with those things. Once you find something that fits with that then you will enjoy and appreciate your job, whatever it is 🙂

    • Photo: Brian Weaver

      Brian Weaver answered on 3 Mar 2019:

      I enjoyed math and science in high school then started taking general engineering courses to see what I liked. After a few years I chose civil engineering because I like practical problems. Although there were so many options to choose from within civil engineering, I was more interested in satellite navigation. (Actually, I thought I’d be a structural engineer for a while!) I continued to follow what I thought was the most fun, challenging, and interesting subjects and now I’m doing what I love.

      The truth is, I will think any equation you give me is really cool. Using math to find answers to problems is pretty fun. I get a lot of satisfaction when things work out and even more when I understand why it works!

    • Photo: Pam Anderson

      Pam Anderson answered on 4 Mar 2019:

      I always wanted to be a primary school teacher and then I found out about engineering. I always wanted to work in the space industry and thought that engineering would be a good way in. When I started engineering at University I loved it. I really enjoy problem solving and enjoyed the maths elements.
