• Question: What is the starting salary for your chosen field?

    Asked by Matt to Vinita, Rachel, Pam, Christopher, Brian, Andrew on 3 Mar 2019.
    • Photo: Brian Weaver

      Brian Weaver answered on 3 Mar 2019:

      My understanding is that starting salary depends mainly on experience, education, location, and type of company (public or private). I would expect around $55-$65k starting salary for a “satellite navigation algorithm developer” job near my hometown in the United States.

    • Photo: Rachel Hudson

      Rachel Hudson answered on 4 Mar 2019:

      it often depends if you work for a private company who builds things for profit or if you work on a government project. It also depends a lot on experience. Without any experience and at a university, for example, i would say about £30k per year but can go up very quickly!

    • Photo: Pam Anderson

      Pam Anderson answered on 4 Mar 2019:

      Starting salary for a Mechanical Engineer in the UK is between £20k and £28k but it depends on experience as well as where you live.
